MEANING: Burn lizard
PERIOD: Late Jurassic
CONTINENT: North America
Sauropods are large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaurs known for their long necks. Ardetosaurus is a diplodocid sauropod estimated to have grown to around 18 m in length. Typical of diplodocids, Ardetosaurus had an extremely long whip-like tail to balance its long neck. Diplodocids are also charactetrized by their thin pencil-like teeth.

Abstract from paper: The Morrison Formation of the western United States is well-known for its high diversity of sauropod dinosaurs. The Howe-Stephens Quarry in northern Wyoming is one of several quarries which has yielded several associated to completely articulated dinosaur specimens, among which a semi-articulated diplodocid specimen, MAB011899, which was excavated in 1993. This diplodocid specimen is represented by posterior cervical, dorsal, sacral, and anterior caudal vertebrae, multiple thoracic ribs, two chevrons, a left coracoid, a left ilium, both pubes and ischia, a left femur, a left tibia, and a left fibula. Through comparative anatomy, we interpret this specimen as a new species of diplodocine sauropod, Ardetosaurus viator gen. et sp. nov. Unambiguous autapomorphies include paired accessory laminae in the spinoprezygapophyseal fossae of posterior cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae, bifurcating anterior centrodiapophyseal laminae in the anterior dorsal vertebrae, fossae present in the centropostzygapophyseal laminae of the second dorsal vertebra, a low vertebral height/centrum length ratio of the posterior dorsal vertebrae and reduced to absent centroprezygapophyseal laminae in the anterior caudal vertebrae. Local autapomorphic features include single centroprezygapophyseal laminae in the posterior cervical vertebrae and a highly elliptical cross-section of the femoral midshaft. Ardetosaurus viator is the first skeletally mature sauropod specimen described from the Howe-Stephens Quarry. This specimen provides insight into serial variation of vertebral laminae and laminar transitions. Finally, the peculiar morphology of the—often not preserved—first chevron is described in detail, and its possible use in studying sexual dimorphism in sauropods is discussed.
Ardetosaurus is from the Jurassic. The Jurassic is a geologic period that spanned from the end of the Triassic, 201 million y ears ago, to the beginning of the Cretaceous, 145 million years ago. It is the middle period of the Mesozoic Era. The start of the Jurassic was marked by the major Triassic-Jurassic extinction event. The end, however, has no clear boundary with the Cretaceous. By the beginning of the Jurassic, Pangea had begun rifting into two landmasses: Laurasia and Gondwana, and the climate was warm with no ice caps. Life on land was dominated by dinosaurs, and the first birds appeared, evolving from a branch of theropods. The oceans were inhabited by marine reptiles, while pterosaurs were the dominant flying vertebrates.
Ardetosaurus is a sauropod. Sauropods are saurischian dinosaurs that had very long necks, long tails, small heads (relative to the rest of their body), and four thick, pillar-like legs. They are notable for the enormous sizes attained by some species, and the group includes the largest animals to have ever lived on land. Well-known genera include Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus.
The oldest known unequivocal sauropod dinosaurs are known from the Early Jurassic, and by the Late Jurassic (150 million years ago), sauropods had become widespread. By the Late Cretaceous, one group of sauropods, the titanosaurs, had replaced all others and had a near-global distribution. This group included the largest animals ever to walk the earth. Estimates vary, but the largest titanosaurs are estimated at upward of around 40 m, and weighing 100 t, or possibly even more.
As with all other non-avian dinosaurs alive at the time, the titanosaurs died out in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Fossilized remains of sauropods have been found on every continent, including Antarctica.