If you're as passionate about dinosaurs as I am, and want to help me keep making content like what you see on my site, please consider checking out my Patreon.
I do this in my spare time and juggle real life with it. Your support helps me turn my passion for dinosaurs into something for everybody to enjoy. Thank you for considering supporting me on Patreon!

As you can see, this is a time consuming process!
You will get access to:
Upcoming dinosaur posts - See what's coming up before it's posted on social media.
Request dinos - Request a dinosaur and it'll be posted in a few weeks (I still have to actually make it!)*
Creative input: My commitment is to accuracy, but Parasaurolophus could have a purple and orange crest! Suggest colors or other ideas, and I'll take them into account (within reason) when creating dinos.
Artistic process: I could make a video of my artistic process and post it here. Maybe some unfinished work if people are curious
Let me know what else you'd be interested in!
*((Note - I mostly try to stick to less-known dinosaurs so I can spread out the more popular dinos for people to look forward to in the future. Please no requests for Spinosaurus or Triceratops. They'll come when the time is right!))
You can also support Unexpected Dino Lesson by purchasing items featuring my original paleoart:
-Magnets: 6cm wide, various dinosaurs. If you don't see a dino you want, contact me and I can have it produced!
-Stickers: 2 page pack featuring 16 different dinos